I spent Saturday and Sunday skiing my new home mountain, Aspen Highlands. The mountain opened with 750 acres including parts of Highland Bowl and has received over 30″ in the last week (over 12″ in the last 48 hours).
On Saturday morning I ran into Meredith McKee (Aspen Skiing Co.), who was kind enough to let me tag along with her and her friends.

those are our tracks! (photo courtesy Daniel Bayer/Aspen Skiing Co.)

this was our view at the top (12,392 ft.)
Although visibility was poor due to the storm, Sunday brought lighter and fluffier snow.

thankfully I had my POC Iris goggles with photochromatic lenses to keep me on top of the variable light conditions

... and Kastle MX 108's to keep me on top of the snow!

Cale Hutchins (Black Tie Ski Rentals) in the zone
Pat Sewell slashes (photo courtesy Matt Power/Aspen Skiing Co.)