Traveling for work yesterday I got a series of text messages from a longtime friend and client based in Jackson, WY. A big storm was rolling in and I was working and he was going powder skiing. To be nice, and to protect his identity, we will call him Sulli.

You get the idea...
JH reported 21″ of new or something insane like that. Everyone knows folks from Jackson love to brag about how much snow they get (funny they don’t brag so much when they are skiing frozen ocean or have a 40 degree inversion) – but my friend Sulli was psyched. I was happy for him as well, as he has been buried at work and had been sitting on a new pair of BD Megawatts.

Different day, similar result
Anyway, here are the texts beginning Tuesday evening:
Sulli: Just talked to John Verdone – he skied 4 Pines at 4PM waist to chest deep. I won’t be in tomorrow until afternoon.
Me: Oh goody – have fun talk in the PM
Sulli: The Mega’s are locked and loaded
Me: Dood, they are gonna rock your world…have u skied them yet?
Sulli: Nope, can not wait.
Next morning while I am in a meeting:
Sulli: these skis are ridiculous
Me: Glad you like them. I am sitting in a meeting it is dumping outside
Sulli: Just bought myself 20 more fun powder years…top to bottoms all morning and my legs aren’t even sore. They are magic.
Me: Yup, secret weapons for old guys like us.
Have a great weekend!