(For me at least).
Meet Our Newest Hire-The Swede
In any good James Bond movie, everyone has the perfect alias. Goldfinger, Le Chiffre, Largo, Mr. Big. They have swaggers, and expensive shoes, greased hair and a quiver of weapons. They squint their eyes, travel with an entourage, and drive fancy cars. Well folks, we have our own new mysterious character, Niklas Brosnan, aka. The Swede. Be afraid, be very afraid. He looks and acts like a good guy, but let me tell you, nobody is an expert crepe maker without having a darkside. I’ll say this, Mike and I will have our wits about us now in the Jackson office as there is something undoubtably dubious about this fellow.
Born abroad (as all villians are), Nik began his life in Sweden so his early years have been hard to track. His family still remains in Stockholm where I would guess they obviously spend all day eating Swedish meatballs and discussing how to take over the world, like any good villainous family would. Nik recently admitted that his Swedish passport provides a level of assumed neutrality and passivity allowing him to pass through European checkpoints with ease, unlike the glaring red flag of an American passport. Interesting. I still think he probably crosses borders under the cover of night on backroads, in unmarked cars, but that’s just a hunch.
We ended up in Munich together once when he was working an inside job at Cloudveil. He took us all out to the Hofbräuhaus and kept the beers (truth serum) flowing. He however managed to coincidentally get a tiny glass (note photo) and “wasn’t able” to drink as much as we were. Very clever, Swede.Very clever.
In an in-depth interrogation session early today, Nik admitted to liking the Stones over the Beatles, but I think that is just an obvious American choice. So sly. He also likes ice cream cake, which threw me off a bit, but I think that was the point. He travels everywhere with his french press, so if I figure if I deprive him of coffee I may be able to torture him into telling me his treasonous plans.
He claims that his ping pong skills are mediocre, which at first glance would be an advantage for the other Backbone staffers to defend themselves. However, I’m not buying it. I just figure he was too busy mastering new levels of sneakiness using his personalized ping pong paddles. Who needs ping pong when you can kill someone with your pinkie? Or a poisonous crepe perhaps? I’m on to you, Swede.
I also don’t trust anyone from the country that produced ABBA.
In an effort to make him feel comfortable and convince him that I am not a threat, I have welcomed him with open arms here at the Backbone office. He says he likes Donut Tuesdays, which means he has done his research on how to butter us up. Very sneaky, Swede. Anyway, you’ll be seeing him around from now on, talking to him on the phone and over email. He will be charming and polite, work hard and be epically helpful. I believe its all a ruse, but time will tell. Just keep your eyes peeled, that’s all I’m saying. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.
One Man’s Trash…
Here in Jackson, we try to be as classy as possible. We always drink the most expensive and high class varieties of spirits (PBR). We wear the newest fashions and set trends (80’s onesies), and we drive the world’s most expensive cars (Muddy Tacomas). But for one night a year we celebrate a sport that for some reason touches the hearts of even the most high brow of us all, its called the Ocho. Otherwise known as the Figure Eight Races, its a little bit Nascar, its a little bit Mad Max, but more than anything, its just about America.
Some would argue that the more well-known demolition derby is more of a sight to behold but NAY, I say to those, you are mistaken, it’s the Ocho that really brings people together. Unlike the smash and dash of the demo derby, the Ocho takes skill, patience, street smarts, and guts. Flat tires, sparking engines, smoke inhalation.. the potential hazards are endless, the competitors fearless. The Ocho is also about recycling. Most of the cars are found in the dump or impound lots, and then returned after the event to be sold for spare parts. The sustainability efforts are really inspiring. However, the most inspiring fact that I learned about the Ocho this year was very interesting…they have a women’s division. And the winner goes straight to the Finals.
I think you know where I’m going with this.
Let’s sess out my potential qualifications and if Backbone wants to sponsor me, we can figure out the details later.
1) I’m from Kansas, the home of Nascar, driving has to be in my blood. (Along with a lot of high fructose corn syrup and complex carbohydrates)
2) I learned to drive on a John Deere, which may actually have a similar turning radius than a car with 2 blown tires, a common occurrance at the Ocho.
3) I happen to be good friends with last year’s winner, Michael Wold, a man who when I asked how he was preparing for the races just said to me…”Sarah, some people ride mountain bikes or backcountry ski. Some people are fisherman or hunters. I am a driver.” And in a potentially not 100% sober state, told me he would be proud to teach me.
4) I get a pit crew-which means I don’t necessarily need to know how my engine works, nor do I need to speak Lugnut.
5) Only 5 girls from the area competed last night, I like those odds.
6) I have incredible go kart skills, and bumper car skills
So, whataya think? If I start training now, I think I will be ready. I’m thinking we could round up some client sponsors. Gerber? I think this means I’m “Fending For Myself,” 1% For the Planet? The car is definitely recycled and run on all bio fuel (hmm). Klean Kanteen? I will need a beverage and I only drink beverages out of stainless steel. POC Helmet and goggles? Black Diamond gloves? I feel like this could really bring us all together.
Stream of social/PR/media consciousness
Backbone 2010 goes something like this so far:
Ski Day, conference calls, NYC, FAM trip, FB and mobile apps, Vail, Crested Butte, ice climbing, Steamboat, avy class, Beaver Creek, Fort Collins, 1% iTunes, Shot Show, Monarch Cat Skiing, truck crash (walk away), OR, Dawn Patrol, dog commute, SIA, Bluebird, On-Snow, Rando Race, ISPO, hut trip, Olympics, Clients in Town, 30″ new, pow ski, PowderWeek, ski tests, Birkebeiner, Telemakuri, Scufoneda, Aspen entertain, Big Lepowski.
if you have extra time to burn try reading above to this tune…REM End of the World As We Know It.
And we feel fine
Vail? Pfft. The Travelocity Roaming Gnome knows what’s up.
This past Saturday evening, while “Digital” Dave Amirault and I were sipping cocktails and putting out the vibe at the Sky, we had the pleasure of running into the coolest corporate identity around… the Travelocity Roaming Gnome! It was good to see the legendary dwarfish creature in Aspen after weeks of convincing him not to go to Vail.
Because Facebook Said So
Michael Hodgson from Snews on the omnipotence of Facebook and how you can’t do anything these days without asking it first.
For more than 11 years, my wife and I have shared a home, a bedroom and countless happy moments traveling around the world together. My daughter, who was at our wedding, knows us as married. We were married by a minister, so we presume God knows we’re husband and wife. The state of California has even issued us a marriage license. And goodness knows, my wife’s parents think we’re married too. But despite the overwhelming evidence that I am, in fact, a happily married man, I just learned no one is married until Facebook says so.
It did come as somewhat of a surprise, I must tell you. There I was, updating my Facebook profile, and for relationship status, naturally, I selected “married.” I dutifully typed in my wife’s name, “Therese Iknoian” and hit “Save,” whereupon Facebook alerted me that it would have to consult my wife to confirm she actually wanted to acknowledge me as her spouse — never mind she was right by the computer when I did it. Continue Reading →
Kayaking Mysteriously Moves
I used to be a kayaker.
These days days I’m considering shaving my legs because of all the spandex I wear.
I never thought I’d give up paddling in cool water in favor of pedaling on dusty dirt…it just happened. Back in the day, I kayaked over 100 days a year, starting with an annual New Year’s Day float down Shoshone on the Colorado. I was a certified kayak instructor, a raft guide and a pretty solid Class V boater. And from their website I bought a new playboat every year from a new creek boat every other. My garage wafted wet neoprene all summer.
Now I train on my road bike to go faster on my mountain bike. I spend countless hours cleaning and wrenching (poorly) on my bikes to keep them running smoothly. I know gear ratios and count the grams of carbon components .
What the hell happened?
Maybe it was a move to a new town where the whitewater is less accessible and the familiar paddling posse is far away. Maybe it was starting a family. Maybe I just needed a new fix.
Apparently, I’m not alone. Grayson Schaeffer has a terrific piece in this month’s Outside about the rapid decline of whitewater kayaking in the US. Check it out here.
Recently I’ve been considering two alternatives to resuscitate my whitewater addiction. Fire up the bandwagon, but Stand Up Paddleboarding (SUP) does look pretty rad. Especially when you navigate one down a class IV stretch like the Numbers on the Arkansas. My buddy Hobie makes it look easy.
Apparently Hobie took his SUP down Class V Gore Canyon earlier this week. I can’t wait to see that vid.
On the other side of the spectrum is a variety of kayaking that’s so old it’s coming back around to retro-cool status. I haven’t been squirt boating since my college days on the New River in West by God Virginia, but I’m tempted to try and hunt down a used one now. Especially after I watch video of Skiing Magazine editor Sam Bass spinning Mystery Moves so deep and long he needs SCUBA gear. If you don’t know what a Mystery Move is, it’s the holy grail of squirt boating – and Sam is well on his way to finding it – on the bottom of the Arkansas river.
Post-It PR
One could say that good PR is all about great clients, speedy and concise communication, and long lasting media relationships. I would say good PR is all about Post-Its. They are all over my desk, odds are your name might be on one right now…they keep things easy, brightly colored and make sure I don’t leave the office and miss a deadline. So instead of thanking me the next time you get that jacket to review just in time for the big ski trip, you should thank Post-Its.
And when you write the article about that jacket and give it a great review, this is how I usually celebrate.
Life At Backbone Is About Being #1 (At totally ridiculous things)
Sometimes at Backbone we are working way too hard to get out of the office. And, when we do, we all have different athletic talents so its hard to agree on what to do. I bike uphill like a 90 year old woman, Mavis hates hiking, Ian only likes to Rollerblade, and the list goes on…
So, the only way to really be competitive (because everyone knows a little healthy competition is always good) is to play sports where no one has any skill. So in the fall, we throw a Kickball Championship with Boulder publications… and sometimes we engage in a little something I like to call HYPOTHETICAL OFFICE ATHLETICS. (this means we don’t actually do it, we just make it up.. a little throwback to the old “Lets Not and Say We Did” line from middle school.)
Our first event- HYPOTHETICAL INFLATABLE SUMO WRESTLING. Don’t be fooled, inflatable sumo is not like regular sumo, its much much sillier and requires different skillz.
Here’s how it broke down match-by-match earlier this year.
1)Penn vs. Greg- Greg said ads were cooler than product coverage, and Penn said “oh yeah, I’ll give you an ROI in the face punk”
2)Jess vs. Jess- Jess Smith accidentally hit Downing in the face with a Kastle ski going down the stairs, so Downing canceled Smiths credit card while she was in Austria knowing that it was the best unsecured credit cards for bad credit. Booooyah!
3)Sue vs. Kara- the two anglin-ladies go head to head to fight over who caught the biggest fish of the summer. And there’s no catch and release in this match!!
4) Mavis and Sarah-Mave is pissed that Sarah left Colorado and left her alone with Ian, and Sarah is pissed cause Mave has much cooler hair
5)Dax and Nate- Nate told Dax he was fired because he was a snowboarder, Dax made fun of Nate’s fancy jeans…and it just got worse from there.
6) Ian and JLD- Men’s Journal came back to shoot another Mountain Men profile and only one guy gets to be on the cover. Winner takes all…
7)Zanni and Lindsay- Zanni told Lance that Lindsay only drinks Zima, and so Downtown Lindsay Brown ordered business cards for Len that said he works for Big A-Hole, not Big Agnes.
8) Mike and Jonathan weren’t at Backbone yet for this contest.. but if they fought each other, it would so obviously be because Georger wanted to change his name to HTMLL Cool J, and Mike pulled a Gerber knife on him.
Weigh in on your picks and let us know what hypothetical sport we should do next.
Climbing as Art
Some of you may know or have heard of Randy Rackliff. Others may not.

Randy is a skilled alpine climber. He builds cult Cold Cold World backpacks and also spends time cutting rad woodblock prints. The prints are all limited editions. They’ve accompanied musings by Mark Twight and were featured in Jon Krakauer‘s limited edition of Into Thin Air.

Hillary Step
Randy’s wife, Ruthann Brown sent along a few of Randy’s new mythological themed comps recently. With the OR Season fast approaching I found the Sisyphus image somehow appropriate…

if you are interested in learning more or purchasing have at it!