This morning I woke up, caught my Eggo mid air from the toaster..sweet, and headed to work. Checked a few emails and then started J-keying through my Google Reader.
Three things I found that made my morning, and reminded me how much the world fascinates me.
First, Recycle a Bicycle, an NYC non-profit that takes in stray bikes, refurbishes them and sends them back out into the community. Every mountain town needs one of these.
Second, if you haven’t heard about the Google Project 10^100 contest, you need to get out of your cave. Google is giving away $10 million dollars for an invention that has a global reach. The deadline is Oct. 20th so get moving.
Third, and my personal favorite, the all-powerful Facebook, or My Face Place as I like to call it has reached an all time level of power for me. MI6, the British Secret Service, has created a Facebook page to recruit new spies. Oh yes, you can be Bond afterall. Take the test and see if you are made to be shaken and stirred. Check out the info on MASHABLE.
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog.
Cheers! Sandra. R.