Casting 4 A Cure Results
The Casting 4 A Cure event in Victor was a great success and combined with the event in Steamboat over $40,000 were raised for this wonderful cause. The team of Marc Crapo and Thad Robison of the Fly Fishing Film Tour placed first with a total of 151 inches. Jason Daneilson and Chris Rich placed first in Steamboat with a total of 168 inches. Check out some of the pictures from this year’s events and don’t forget to check back for more information about next year’s event with an potential additional event in Montana.

Team Cloudveil (Scott Harkins and Tucker Ladd), Ben Kurtz of Fishpond, and event organizers Bill Farnum and Jim Copeland

Ella dancing to the band in Victor

Dave Thompson from fishpond gets ready for a day on the water.

Garrett Chadwick with a nice brown

Team Seabass with their biggest of the tourney 22"
Sorry Colorado Office…
Sorry Colorado, Jackson comes out ahead AGAIN in Skiing magazine’s Resort Best of Best Awards, taking Best Backcountry Access, Best Steeps, and Best Guide Service awards. Ajax, Highlands, Snowmass nowhere to be found. I’m surprised Buttermilk didn’t get best steeps, really. And Snowmass could surely round up the “Most Fanny-pack Sightings” Award. Maybe next year.
(On a side-note, Jackson did however receive the Most Condescending Locals award)…but whatever.
This weekend also marks the official beginning of ski movie season in Jackson with the premier of Teton Gravity Research’s Re:Session. Take a look.
Race Across the Sky Trailer
I could do without the overused, dramatic baroque music and most people with an interest in cycling already know, “WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?” at this year’s Leadville Trail 100 MTB race (spoiler alert: Lance wins). That aside, this trailer for ‘Race Across the Sky’ is pretty sweet. The HD footage is spectacular–especially the helicopter shots–and movies about mountain bike racing are few and far between, so yeah, I’m excited to see this.
S_UP_’D Waterfall
A little while back, I posted how my buddy Hobie has been pushing the limits of Stand Up Paddleboarding, logging first descents on whitewater runs like the Numbers and Gore Canyon.
Now it seems our friend and perennial ‘guy in the van down by the river’ Dan Gavere, has one-upped him. Behold the SUP waterfall 1st D.
The Goat draws a pretty funny analogy between SUP’ing and Rollerblading. That’s a little harsh, but the jury is still out for me on whether SUP on whitewater is cool, or more like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
Regardless, good on you Dan. I’m impressed.
Advertising Dead? Think Again…
Lots of talk these days about print advertising being dead and how much people hate banner ads online.
Here at Backbone, we see this common wisdom as having some truth but more so mixed with a healthy dose of opportunity.
What do I mean by that? Well, print advertising IS changing, but there is still great value in leveraging campaigns across multiple media platforms. Rather than drone on about theory here – let’s use some examples.
First example is Black Diamond helping every surfer who is numb to banner ads and skyscrapers with their new creatives. Confronted with how to draw attention to their efforts online BD simply looked at who they are and what they do best – which is climb and ski. (Okay, they design and build some cool stuff too).
[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”” width=”500″ height=”150″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]
If you find yourself hitting the refresh button to watch this guy whip or wanting to draw landscapes of a crag like Renan O. then yes, BD wins.
Cloudveil is running a new print campaign for F09. Cleverly designed by tda in Boulder, the print ads tie into online promos and leverage social media to not just sell product but the mountain culture Cloudveil is all about.
Add partnerships with 1-800-flowers, Zazzle and Kool Dog Cafe and what was dead is now very much alive and kicking.
Man, those guys at tda are smart – though they can be a bit edgy.