Virtual Ski Jump Into Some Cloudveil Gear
Cloudveil and the have paired up for a little interactive iphone fun. Between now and July 13th, download the free iphone application for Ski Jump and start practicing. If you log the longest jump, you could win a free Cloudveil ski jacket worth up to $450 bucks. Warning: This game is highly addictive and Cloudveil takes no responsibility for the decreased work productivity that may result from downloading this app.
Fore more details go to
Climbing as Art
Some of you may know or have heard of Randy Rackliff. Others may not.

Randy is a skilled alpine climber. He builds cult Cold Cold World backpacks and also spends time cutting rad woodblock prints. The prints are all limited editions. They’ve accompanied musings by Mark Twight and were featured in Jon Krakauer‘s limited edition of Into Thin Air.

Hillary Step
Randy’s wife, Ruthann Brown sent along a few of Randy’s new mythological themed comps recently. With the OR Season fast approaching I found the Sisyphus image somehow appropriate…

if you are interested in learning more or purchasing have at it!
Backbone Carbondale, Backbone JH, Backbone Big Apple
Let’s see, last week Backbone was in Beantown, Boulder, Richmond, City of Rocks and Chicago.

No trip to Chi-Town is complete without a trip to the Wrigley Bleachers
Friday afternoon saw a flurry of action here at the Carbondale HQ as Lance and Levi stopped by to warm up for the local time trial. Meanwhile, our team in Jackson Hole is out looking for a larger office space to accommodate growth there.

Lance spinning while Greg offers Sage advice on the front steps at Backbone
This week? Ride the Rockies is in town. Greg, Mavis, Ian, Sarah, and Dax are in NYC hosting an event with Kristan Clarke’s Rendezvous Event Management agency .
Cloudveil, SmartWool, Newton Running, POC, Brunton, Gerber, and Boa will all be there!