This past January, I was at the OR Show walking media through Black Diamond’s new line for Winter ’09. One of the highlights was the new BD stainless-steel crampons – the Cyborg, Sabretooth and Serac. The advantages of stainless over chro-moly are numerous – significant weight savings, durability, no rust, less snow balling and bad-ass look. Through exhaustive research BD was able to offset the quandary of higher expense versus performance gain and in the end has a product that will be priced right while raising the competitive standard.

BD Sabretooth Pro
The Cyborg and Sabretooth particularly drew ohhs and ahhs from core ice climbers, design mag editors and business writers alike. With spring mountaineering season upon us, I was looking forward on getting out on a pair of protos until I got an email from my friend Jon about a new crampon he stumbled upon in Parker, CO. Turns out the guys who were testing his new diesel for emissions have been doing some R&D work themselves. rumor has it they may sell these designs to one of BD’s competitors… Check it out!


ABS technology

Field & Stream’s FSHuntress Blog is Cut
Yesterday I heard that Utah was cutting it’s State Parks budget and totally eliminating one park in particular. Today I read that Kim Hiss’ FSHuntress blog fell subject to budget cuts by Field & Stream. I am always saddened to hear when budget cuts are directed at outdoor recreation, natural resources or woman’s sports or programs.
I know everyone is struggling with the economy and this was probably not an easy decision for Field & Stream. I’m also sure that Field & Stream knew that the page views of the FSHuntress blog were just a fraction of what they are for its five other blogs. The problem is that the average hunter in the US is a 55 year old man. Considering the life expectancy of a man in the U.S. is currently age 75, then these numbers do not bode well for the sport.
The future of hunting, fishing and shooting sports in our country depends on getting new blood (no pun intended) involved and into the field. I think the FSHuntress blog was a great place to recognize the women who do hunt, encourage new women hunters to get into the sport and to foster a dialogue among men and women who share similar interests. I am sad to see it go.
Field & Stream FSHuntress Logo