Too often we see brands dominate the search engine results with a highly optimized website, only to fall short with a lackluster media center component to their website. [To clarify, a website’s media center is where a brand can display new product releases, innovative designs and recent press.] So why does this matter? As journalists/bloggers become more fluent with the social web and take advantage of its immediacy, they are more open to finding fresh content to help their story. Identical to consumers, journalists/bloggers continue to take advantage of search engines to start their research for content and leads. When that is tapped out, they turn to social media searches (think Twitter Search) to find quotes and comments left behind from users on social networks. The key takeaway is, if brands want to increase their chance to earn more media coverage, they should have the latest news readily available in a media center or via blog – wherever the announcements are made. Tools like PitchEngine and WordPress offer content management systems that allow brands to upload content at any given moment – we use both! So don’t let your media center hold you back.
Check out this video of Social Media/PR pro Lee Odden explain the importance of SEO/Social Media to connect with journalists.