After two weeks on the road for the OR Show, SIA, X Games and On Snow in Winter Park I feel tired, fortunate, and somewhat amazed.

2 Dawn Patrols in 2 days in Mill D with the Sweetgrass crew, Adam from BD, Jon from Backcountry, Bryan from CLIF, Charlie and Dan from OR, Sun Valley rippers Jeannie and Mike H, Forrest, Mark and Amy from Winter Wildlands and JLD from Backbone
Tired because in between dinners with awesome clients, dawn patrols with friends and near constant meetings with media – we also hosted a killer party in Aspen during X Games with PLUM TV.
Fortunate because Backbone has a growing and super solid roster of clients with ongoing dialog and big goals for 2011. Good thing we have the most capable in-house team we’ve ever assembled.
Somewhat amazed and humbled by the working relationships that continue to deepen and push us to improve our agency. Whether focusing on strategic social goals, digital plans or straight up PR, the dynamics of media continue to evolve. Being challenged on a daily basis in the work environment is exciting, even better is when you share the experiences with close friends and colleagues who happen to be business partners.
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